Everyday is an adventure.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Here is a picture of the new house. I keep forgetting to post it!


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Birthday Fun

So far September has flown by! We are still not quite settled. The rodent issue has still not been resolved. And my classroom is still not quite how I want it to be. Other than that things are great. Baby #2 is dancing in my belly a lot. We have yet to agree whole heartedly on a name..... She has a designated room -but that is about it. No decor, no clothes all washed in preparation. Second babies do not get quite the same reception as number one does. I just can't lay around and dream and plan while Cameron is grabbing my hands saying "outside, outside." Here is a pic of Cameron running in the backyard. Yes that is a dog house and no we are not getting a dog. :)

Cameron is pretty funny and she thinks everyone is funny too. "Your funny." is something we hear a lot. "I want it." has just made it into her vocabulary. We usually make her say please instead. "Peeeee???" is how is comes out. Nemo is her new favorite. She says "Oh no DARLA!", "Nemo", "Dory", and the favorite "Shark bait, ohhh ah ah". Pretty cute. She also randomly says "See ya dude." That catches us by surprise and we laugh pretty hard. Sometimes she looks at us says See Ya and runs out of the room. We thinks she is pretty cute.
Here is her "Silly Face."

We celebrated my mom's and my birthday with a party at her condo last weekend. We caught up with BFF aka Hayden and Ethan and Uncle Paul and Aunt Jen. Dad/Sharon/Beka/Chip stopped by for Ole Piper pizza and some hanging out time. It was basically sit around and watch Cameron time. She tends to steal the show. Especially with Papa and Nana around. Little Miss Center of Attention. Granda Sue stopped by too! It was a fun few weeks. It is so nice to have so much family around.
Here are some pics of Papa playing with Cameron and Beka and Chip attending the Cameron Show. Tickets available for purchase for future shows.

Speaking of my mom is here to babysit! Attending a friend of Tim's wedding this afternoon. Must go squeeze into a fabulous maternity outfit!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Back to School

Hi everyone,

September has been really busy. We had a great Labor Day at my dad's house. We visited with cousins and aunts and uncles that we haven't seen in a long time. We swam, ate a lot, and took a boat ride. It was a great day and Cameron had a lot of fun.

School started again.... I wasn't sure I wanted to go back after our super fun summer, but once it starts I love it. And I realized that I won't have many people to play with because all our playdates were with teachers.

Cameron had a difficult time with her new daycare, but seems to be doing well now. She only cried a few days - that was hard on both Cameron and me. I felt sooooo bad when I left her. I went in the car and balled. I called Tim that first day and he was very supportive and finally got me to stop crying. I didn't want her to be scared and think I was leaving her forever. But now she likes her daycare ladies so it seems to be ok.

Tim is super busy with fantasy football. Three leagues. Nuf said. He is also in a serious mind battle with a rodent-like animal in the yard. He has made many weekend trips to the Depot to try and get rid of this thing that is tunneling paths through our yard. If you know what makes tunnels on top of the grass, not underneath, do share! Tim is quite perturbed. He is trying out a bunch of devices. Just today he saw that the "thing" has started adding on to his condo by tunneling in the front yard.

We are also making plans for redoing the deck and Cameron's playset. Lots to keep Tim busy. We. I say that loosely because it is mostly Tim and his dad aka "poopa" doing all the thinking and the planning. I get to pick the color. :)

I hope to post some pictures soon, but I seem to run out of time each day. And I have no new pictures of Cameron/house/us. I have to say part time teaching was fantastic.... kinda miss the days of being done at 1pm and having time to get stuff done before I picked up Cameron from daycare....

See you soon!
