Everyday is an adventure.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Did I Say Blissful?

That was pretty naive of me. Brooke morfed into Hold Me All the Time baby. I wrongly assumed I would be able to put her down for a nap and I could do stuff around the house. Like organize the office/junk room. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. I hold her A LOT while she naps. I am so tired as well so I nap too. We do have a lot of couch snuggling time.

I decided to put her in the car seat last night for bedtime because she seems to like being snuggled - hence the constant holding - and no the Snuggle Me's do not help and she is wise to the tight blanket wrapping to simulate being held, my child is no dummy. She slept from 8-12 last night! YEAH! I could really have used a 4 hour sleep time, but once again that was not meant to be. I got the stomach flu/food poisoning, not really sure which one. But I was so cold, I was shaking uncontrollably even with tons of blankets on me. I finally gave in and puked up my guts. I fell asleep around 10pm or so. So I did get 2 hours of sleep before she awoke. The next time I put her in there she only slept 2 more hours.... hmmm. What to try next.

Well that has been my 3 weeks with Miss Brookie. Cameron is still a fun little girl. Being a parent sort of sucks the fun out of everything. We can't laugh at her bad habits, like suddenly spitting food out at the dinner table. We are getting good at the looking away while we laugh and then giving her a disapproving look move. We have to have good behavior all the time because she mocks us and repeats things we say. No wonder kids think their parents are boring. We are.