Summer is here! Yeah! The girls and I are having a lot of fun. This picture is so cute b/c Cameron grabbed Brooke's hand as they watched toons.

This is our summer... hanging out together. We are feeding Brookers. I say WE because Cameron loves to be my helper. She is quite sweet. Brooke started scooching this week. She is also cutting her two bottom teeth. Poor baby. She's got the miserables.

This is the big girl undies! Cameron likes them and is hit or miss on the potty. Peeing is going quite well actually. The other is a disaster. She is sooo freaked out by pooping on the potty that she gets hysterical. I just put diapers on her when she asks. It's no good to have her totally freaked out by it. I am assuming it'll be like the nookie. She desperately needs it until one day she doesn't. So hopefully soooooon she'll work her way out of the diapers.

We found the one hot day this summer and spent it at Nana's and Papa's house swimming. She loves to swim. More like she loves to throw things in the water and sitting in the froggie floaty. We had a fun day at the lake.

This has been a week of firsts. First scooching and first teeth coming in and now first big girl tubby! Cameron loved having Brooke in the tub. She gave her some toys and watched her splash in the tub. That has been our two weeks of summer. Potty training and playing.