Cameron and Brooke came to love Kristin, Raph and Rachel. They spent a few nights with us. Anyone who shows them lots of attention gets their vote!
Here is milk time. I still can't get Brooke off the bottle. Cameron was no problem. Brooke is a different story. She slapped the sippy cup out of my hand when I presented it to her instead of her bottle. She slapped at me and stalked around her bedroom. So I went and got her a bottle. I struggle with this b/c I want her to have milk. So I allow her to have a bottle at naptime and bedtime otherwise she can have water or milk out of a sippy. She usually rejects the milk in a sippy. What is the big deal Brookers????
Sisterly love.
Sisterly love.
Happy Mother's Day. I got to go to my favorite restaurant, Perkins! Love their pancakes! We then spent the day at Hayden's bday party.
Cameron got a new big girl bike this summer. She is getting better everyday.
Cameron has found her Kalla love of cards. She is a shark at Old Maid and Go Fish. We give her the option of playing cards or watching cartoons, and she always wants to play cards.
This was Tim's Xmas gift from Beka and me. The day was rainy and chilly, but we loved it.
Cameron has found her Kalla love of cards. She is a shark at Old Maid and Go Fish. We give her the option of playing cards or watching cartoons, and she always wants to play cards.
This was Tim's Xmas gift from Beka and me. The day was rainy and chilly, but we loved it.
We took the lightrail in and drank $10 beer and ate $10 hot dogs.
Random photo of the girls chewing their blankets and running around the house. They play well together and then scream at each other and then play again. I try not to get in their way too much. We have a lot of wedding this summer most notably cousin Andy's, brother Dan's, and Bestie Raphaela's. Should be busy and a lot of fun. We have about 3 open weekends this summer...