Everyday is an adventure.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy New Baby!

Brooke Susan Rogge made her debut on December 19th, 2008. It was a fast and relatively easy delivery - thank you Brooke! She was 7 lbs and 2 oz. She is adorable - of course! She is also a really good baby. Calm and content. I am so happy to have 8 blissful weeks with her.

Cameron loves being a big sister. She gives Brooke kisses and giggles when she makes noises. Cameron is demanding of our attention though. We are doing our best to spend lots of time with her. I am not sure if it is the beginning of the Terrible Twos or if she is having a hard time adjusting - even though we are spending more time playing with her than we did before Brooke was here.

It seems as though our babies bring snowstorms and the flu. When Cameron was born we had a major snowstorm and our first night home Tim got the flu. This time we had a snowstorm and on our first night home Cameron had the flu. Poor Tim - he was/is on Cameron duty and she has been sick and not sleeping through the night anymore. Hopefully she'll adjust to the changes soon and begin sleeping again. I think I have gotten more sleep than Tim. Not to mention he also got the flu after Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, this was a busy, tired, fun holiday season. Since all was going well, we went to my dad's for our usual Dec. 23 celebration. Papa and Nana went overboard once again :) Cameron loved playing with Hayden and Ethan and seeing her aunts and uncles. We spent Christmas Eve at home, tired and unshowered. Probably the most low key Christmas Eve I have ever had. But it was also the most content I have ever felt. Two babies, a warm comfty home and a great husband all together.


Christmas Day brought Paul, Jen, Ethan, Hayden and my mom down to celebrate with us. The kids had a lot of fun and we didn't have to travel, so that made it easier for us. Sally and Paul stopped by to say hello and get a glimpse of the new baby.

Unfortunately we didn't see much of Poopa and Grandma Sue this Christmas. Tim's family has been incredibly supportive - as usual, and we owe them a lot of holiday time in 2009!

2008 had brought us a lot of positive changes. Two new jobs, a new home, and a new baby. We have been very blessed this year and cannot wait to see what 2009 brings!

Happy New Year!

The Rogges

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yeah!!! She looks a lot like Cameron. Can't wait to see her in person.